The programme for double gains

Ok so maybe a little click bait-y. This programme is one I did recently (written for myself by myself although I have now employed a coach to programme for me). It took me from getting back into lifting above 80% to hitting a few personal bests on; 2RM Clean, 2RM muscle snatch, 2RM jerk from rack, 1RM power clean + power jerk (as a set, individually I’ve hit higher on the power clean). I got back to full snatching over 90% for doubles, and generally felt good and a little stronger.

Who would this programme work for?

Any intermediate lifter (assuming no glaring injury risks or physical limitations) who has been training 3-4 days a week for more than 3 years. Prior to that I’d spend more time on different technical breakdowns and full lift variations at slightly lower percentages. If you want to get the most out of the programme below you need to be pretty consistent at the percentages prescribed in week 1 as thats a baseline week and shouldn’t feel particularly challenging technique wise.

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What is the aim of this 4 week block?

The goals I had going into this block were specific to hitting heavy doubles. Only in time will this translate into bigger 1RM’s but the idea is that by being able to perform heavier and heavier doubles at 90% or more, you will go on to improve that top end strength and power.

With only 3 sessions per week the sessions are fairly long. Including a decent warm up and some rehab exercises the sessions took around 90-120 minutes.

If you give the programme a go let me know how you get on! Alternatively if you need programming similar to this one or for your training in general get in touch anytime.